Return to Korcula

As the breeze caught Pandora’s face, it flushed with excitement. She was finally going back.  It had been two years since she had last visited the tiny island of Korcula and as the boat neared the shore, the facades of the old town houses and stone wall shone bright like a beacon guiding her back.Continue reading “Return to Korcula”

The easiest person to forget

Deborah surveyed the blank spaces on the calendar – what a difference a year had made. Last December she had been inundated with parties, meals and nights out, but this year it was a different story. Her New Years Resolution had seen to that, it was the one and only resolution she had stuck to.Continue reading “The easiest person to forget”

First Impressions

I’m watching you sitting opposite me, but you are totally oblivious, you have no idea and I reckon you wouldn’t even care if you did. I saw you a few minutes ago, your bodies morphed into one as you both shuffled down the tunnel to catch the tube. His arm draped around your shoulders, bothContinue reading “First Impressions”

A Professional through and through

Last year I achieved a childhood dream – to meet Martin Shaw aka Doyle in The Professionals, Judge John Deed, The Chief and recently The Long Call. It happened by chance on a day trip to Duxford War Museum, in Cambridge, a favourite with my family. It was a beautiful day in August and weContinue reading “A Professional through and through”

The long goodbye

               Phil stood in front of the large blue front door, something he had done so many times before. The difference was he used to use his own key to gain entry, it didn’t seem appropriate these days though, especially after such a long time. He could feel the impression of the key digging intoContinue reading “The long goodbye”

Make someone smile

You’re too thin, you’re too fat You’re too tall, you’re too short You’re self-opinionated, you’re too shy You’re too loud, you’re too quiet You’re not caring, you’re too caring You talk too much, you don’t talk enough These are things I hear every day about people. Why can’t people appreciate people for who they areContinue reading “Make someone smile”

The wrong side of the law

Greg felt invincible since getting his brand new car. He had been through a speed trap, parked on double yellers and driven the wrong way down a one way street. He was invisible, there were no repercussions.           “Your cars booked in for its service, just remind me of the make, model and colour please”Continue reading “The wrong side of the law”

Energy Company Greed

I am so angry that energy providers are once again hiking up prices to bail them out because oil prices have gone up, especially the major players. We are all taught to budget and put money away for a rainy day. Well this is their rainy day. British Gas profits rose to £172m for theContinue reading “Energy Company Greed”

The business of being a nobody

Having spent the past 20 years not working I have sometimes felt like a nobody. I reckon 90% of my friends have no clue what I did for a living before becoming a full time Mum. When you meet people the first thing they say is “What do you do?” When you say I’m aContinue reading “The business of being a nobody”

Billy Don’t Be a Hero

Katie stood next to Billy with her head nestled on his shoulder, the pain of his departure was almost too much to bare. Her heart ached with each passing minute, she couldn’t bear the thought that this was the last time she would seem him for a while. The thought that he might never return,Continue reading “Billy Don’t Be a Hero”

An Interview with Ali from Enterprising Writers

I would like to introduce Ali who has recently set up Enterprising Writers, a website full of information for aspiring writers. She introduced #WRITE2021, last year, which encourages you to write 2021 words a week. She has also just launched the #3ChapterChallange, which starts on Saturday 31st of July and ends on Sunday 22ndContinue reading “An Interview with Ali from Enterprising Writers”

A new writing website – Enterprising Writers

Any one starting out in the writing world will understand, it can feel like a very lonely road. It is very isolating and at times you can feel like no one understands. People don’t look on your new found profession as a proper job, it’s just a hobby, however much you protest. Then the ImposterContinue reading “A new writing website – Enterprising Writers”

Harbour Lights

It seemed like days since she had been standing on the shore welcoming William home again. Two months at sea was torture but the parting after three weeks together was far worse. The harbour lights twinkled through the stubborn tears that welled, holding onto her lashes like her love for William, refusing to let go.Continue reading “Harbour Lights”

Interview with M.B. Blissett (Part 2)

I would like to thank Matt for talking to our writing group and giving us an insight as to how he writes and what makes him tick. He started by telling us a little bit about himself. Matt comes from Norfolk. He has always been interested in writing and started independent reading from an earlyContinue reading “Interview with M.B. Blissett (Part 2)”

Interview with M.B Blissett

What inspired you to write initially?There was an intense curiosity about how it was done. I used to read Stephen King stories on aportable cassette recorder and copy them out. For the longest time, I procrastinated, because Iwas frightened of doing it badly. Then I decided to embrace the fear and go for it. ItContinue reading “Interview with M.B Blissett”

Degrees of goodness

I was talking the other day to someone about degrees of goodness.  We all like to think of ourselves as good in principle, whether it’s charitable work, looking after someone or just not being a bad person in general. But is it so black and white? Just because you do charitable work does that makeContinue reading “Degrees of goodness”

Three times round the tree

Once, twice….. dare she do it three times? Katie looked at Sophie with big, wide, brown eyes that danced with eagerness. “Go on……..go on.” Katie’s devilish smile egging her on, but all the while her sensible side resisting. “You’ve stopped, now you’re going to have to start again or it won’t count.” Sophie thought aboutContinue reading “Three times round the tree”